Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Be Thou My Vision

Our staff worship this morning was centered around the hymn 'Be Thou My Vision'. It was actually a 'dry run' for a worship service we are leading at another church this sunday morning.

The first verse of the hymn says:

Be Thou my vision O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me save that Thou art
Thou my best thought be day or by night
Waking or sleeping Thy presence my light.

That lyric got me reflecting over my last week. Jesus said "I have come that you many have life, and life to the full" (John 10:10). I began to think about the times in the last week where I have experienced that fullness of life - the joy of seeing a friend perform in live theater, the warmth of company over good food, the silliness of entertaining children, the comfort of intimate conversations. All this and so much more are places of 'Fullness' for me and I believe those moments are gifts from God.

'Waking or sleeping...', God is present in my encounters and in my dreams. God is present in 'Life to the full' and by grace God is also present as an 'oasis in the desert'. I don't wander around on some kind of spiritual cloud, far from it. But when I look back on my weeks; especially when I begin to redefine what the 'Presence of God' looks like in my life, then I find evidence of Divine Connection. All of the moments of our lives have the potential to be places where God meets with us.

What have been your moments of 'Fullness' this week? What have been your 'best thoughts' and where is God in that?

Bless to me my feet, O God, and my courage.
Bless to me my hands, O God, and my serving.
Bless to me my heart, O God, and my loving.
Bless to me my mind, O God, and my understanding.
Bless to me my ears, O God, and my hearing.
Bless to me my lips, O God, and my speaking.
Bless to me my eyes, O God, and my seeing.

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